So, This Is Dori Pierre Now!

Dori Pierre

So, This Is Dori Pierre Now!

Go back three years when it was only a dream! But still, I decided to give up my full-time job and do what I always wanted to do, have my own business! After three years of constant search for a permanent location, we finally found this very characteristic small shop on Suffolk Road. The process to get everything up and running was indeed very challenging but so much fun at the same time. It feels so good to look at the shop now and say “We did this”! Every morning I walk into the shop I am reminded of all the amazing people and customers who helped me and believed in me, I could have never made it this far without them!

I am so excited to continue this journey and make many friends along the way. I met with some very special locals who came to welcome us to the area on the Grand Opening and I look forward to meeting many more and make some great memories together.

This is only the beginning…
